1. Understanding the different types of cookies
Essential cookies
These cookies are necessary for your website's functionality. Essential cookies cannot be disabled by users.
Performance and functionality cookies
These cookies are used to enhance the performance and functionality of your website but are not essential to its use. However, without these cookies, certain functionalities (like videos) may become unavailable.
Analytics and customization cookies
These cookies collect information that is used to help you understand how your site is being used, how effective your marketing campaigns are, or to help you customize your websites.
Advertising cookies
These cookies are used to make advertising messages more relevant to users. They prevent the same ad from continuously reappearing, ensure that ads are properly displayed for advertisers, select advertisements that are based on users’ interests, and more.
Social networking cookies
These cookies allow users to share pages and content that they find interesting on your website through third-party social networking and other websites. These cookies may also be used for advertising purposes.
Unclassified cookies
These are cookies that have not yet been categorized and need to be classified with your assistance. Read more about how to classify your cookies.
2. What are first- and third-party cookies?
First-party cookies
First-party cookies are cookies that are directly set by your own website. For example:
If you have a login form, you may be using cookies to track the session status (logged-in / not logged-in) of your visitors
If you have a custom shopping cart, you may be using cookies to track the cart items for each visitor
Third-party cookies
Third-party cookies are set by service partners that you include on your website. For example:
Ad-tracking cookies may be set by services such as Google AdWords
Third-party analytics platforms such as Mixpanel or Google Analytics may be setting cookies in order to track visitors to your website
An embedded YouTube video may be setting cookies to enable targeted advertising
3. Implementing Termly’s cookie consent solution.
Scan your website to generate a cookie report. The report will contain a list of your cookies that have been classified into the above five categories.
Classify your unclassified cookies into one of the predefined categories.
Install your cookie consent banner by copying and pasting the code snippet from your dashboard into your website’s <body> or <header> section.
Choose a cookie blocking method, and implement it following our integration guide (auto blocking, GTM blocking, or manual blocking).
If you use cookies that are not written by scripts, you can use our API key to retrieve the cookie consent status of your users and write cookies based on the categories each user has accepted.
Auto classification
Termly maintains a library of known cookies. When a cookie on your website matches one from our library, the associated category and description are automatically filled in.
Manual classification
If a cookie found on your website does not match one from our library of known cookies, then the cookie will default to the Unclassified category. You can choose another category and fill in the description so that your visitors will have a better idea of what they are consenting to.