If you are using Termly on your website, it is important to exclude it from optimization services such as WP Rocket. This is because Termly needs to load as soon as possible on the page, before all other services, in order to correctly decide which services should be allowed to execute based on the site visitor's consent preferences.
To ensure that Termly works correctly on your website, you will need to create an exception for all files and scripts served from app.termly.io. This can easily be done in WP Rocket by adding the following line to your list of 'Excluded JavaScript files':
For detailed instructions on how to exclude files from deferred JavaScript in WP Rocket, you can refer to WP Rocket's documentation.
Termly and page speed optimization
It is important to note that excluding Termly from optimization services may impact your website's page speed. However, we have provided some tips on how to optimize page speed when using Termly in our help center article.
By following these steps and excluding Termly from optimization services, you can ensure that Termly works correctly on your website while helping you stay compliant with privacy laws.