Termly provides three ways to embed a policy on your GoDaddy website.
Your options include:
HTML format: Pasting static HTML directly to your website
URL: Linking to a Termly-hosted URL (available for Pro+ users)
Code snippet: Embedding the policy on your page using a code snippet (available for Pro+ users)
HTML or Code Snippet
Follow these steps to add your policy using HTML or a code snippet:
Log in to your GoDaddy account.
Click into your website or click Manage next to your website under the Websites + Marketing section.
Open the website builder by either clicking Edit Website from your website dashboard or by clicking Website from the top navigation menu, then Edit Site.
Click + (Add Page) in the Website menu on the right side, then click New Page.
Select the Blank template and click Create Page.
Title your page, e.g., “Privacy Policy.”
Toggle Show in Navigation and/or Show in Footer to add this policy page to your main navigation or footer. Policies are often found in a site’s footer.
Click Done at the top of the right-side menu to save the page title and display settings.
Add a section to your new page by clicking Add Section.
Search for the HTML section and click Add.
Go to your Termly dashboard and select your policy. Click Add to Website, select HTML Format or Code Snippet, and click Copy To Clipboard.
Return to your GoDaddy page, and paste the HTML into the Custom Code field found in the right-side menu.
Your changes to the page are automatically saved. Click Publish found at the top of the page to publish the changes to your site and to make sure the new policy is visible to the public.
Using the code snippet ensures your policies are updated automatically when you publish changes. If you use the HTML format, you will need to re-embed your policy whenever you publish changes.
You can add your Termly policy URL as a link directly from your GoDaddy website menu, or you can add the link onto a separate page.
Follow these steps to add your policy URL as a link directly from a GoDaddy menu:
Log in to your GoDaddy account.
Click into your website or click Manage next to your website under the Websites + Marketing section.
Open the website builder by either clicking Edit Website from your website dashboard or by clicking Website from the top navigation menu, then Edit Site.
Click + (Add Page) in the Website menu on the right side.
Click New Link.
Title your link, e.g., “Privacy Policy.”
Go to your Termly Dashboard and select your policy. Click Add to Website, select URL, and click Copy To Clipboard.
Return to your GoDaddy website and paste the link under Website URL.
Toggle Show in Navigation and/or Show in Footer to display the link in the main navigation menu or the footer.
Click Create Link.
Your changes will automatically be saved. Click Publish at the top of the page when you are ready to make your changes public.
If you would prefer to add your policy link onto a page, follow these steps:
Select the page you would like to add your link to or create a new page for the policy link.
Type the link text you would like to appear on the page, e.g. “Shipping Policy link.”
Highlight the text and click the link icon that appears.
Under Link to select Website URL.
Go to your Termly Dashboard and select your policy. Click Add to Website, select URL, and click Copy To Clipboard.
Return to your GoDaddy page, and paste the URL under Website URL.
Click OK.
Your changes will automatically be saved. Click Publish at the top of the page when you are ready to make your changes public.
This will link to a Termly-hosted URL. This ensures your policies are updated automatically when you publish changes.
Adding policy page links to your menus
Follow these steps to add a link to your policy to a menu:
Log in to your GoDaddy account.
Click into your website or click Manage next to your website under the Websites + Marketing section.
Open the website builder by either clicking Edit Website from your website dashboard or by clicking Website from the top navigation menu, then Edit Site.
In the right-side Site Navigation menu, mouse over the page you want to add to a menu or footer.
Click the Settings icon, then click Page Settings.
Click the Show in Navigation toggle to add the page to your main menu, or click the Show in Footer toggle to add the page to your footer.
Click Done to save the display settings.
Click Publish at the top of the page to publish your menu changes.