As privacy laws evolve, Termly updates its Terms and Conditions Generator to ensure compliance with new and changing regulations. Our goal is to maintain transparency about these updates and new offerings.
Please note, policy changes become effective only after you republish your policy via the Termly dashboard.
February 8, 2024
New Section: Subscription
Purpose: Legal
Summary: Introduces general questions about offering subscription services to users, such as how often the subscription renews. This update satisfies California’s Automatic Renewal Law (ARL).
Impact: A new “SUBSCRIPTIONS” section will include information on subscription billing, renewal, and fee changes. If you previously included information about free trials and cancellations, those clauses will now show under the “SUBSCRIPTIONS” section.
December 14, 2023
Updated Section: Dispute Resolution
Purpose: General Improvement
Summary: A new "Advanced Option" allows customers to add their own choice of U.S. arbitrator language to the legal terms, with a default option set to the American Arbitration Association (AAA).
Impact: The "Binding Arbitration" section under "DISPUTE RESOLUTION" will reflect the custom language selected by the customer, omitting default references to the AAA.
February 15, 2023
New Section: Platform Type
Purpose: General Improvement
Summary: Allows specification of the legal terms for websites, apps, or SaaS businesses, with additional prompts for SaaS selections.
Impact: The "AGREEMENT TO OUR LEGAL TERMS" section will denote the platform type applicable to the legal terms.
New Section: English Preference
Purpose: General Improvement
Summary: Provides an option for American English or British English spelling in the legal terms.
Impact: The chosen spelling style will be applied throughout the legal terms, affecting spelling and punctuation.
New Section: Website Hosting
Purpose: General Improvement
Summary: Enables selection of multiple hosting countries for a website.
Impact: Hosting countries will be listed in the "PRIVACY POLICY" section of the legal terms.
New Section: Mobile App Name
Purpose: General Improvement
Summary: Option to include the name of a mobile or Facebook app.
Impact: The app's name will be incorporated into the "AGREEMENT TO OUR LEGAL TERMS" section.
New Section: Use and Description
Purpose: General Improvement
Summary: Allows for a description of the website and/or app, specifying the nature of user interaction.
Impact: Descriptions and user interaction specifics will be detailed in the "AGREEMENT TO OUR LEGAL TERMS" and "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS" sections.
New Section: Updates to Your Legal Terms
Purpose: General Improvement
Summary: Details methods of notifying users about changes to legal terms, with customizable options.
Impact: Notification methods will be outlined in the "AGREEMENT TO OUR LEGAL TERMS" section.
Updated Section: User Generated Contributions
Purpose: General Improvement
Summary: An "Advanced Option" to omit mention of user-generated contributions for platforms that do not allow them.
Impact: The "USER GENERATED CONTRIBUTIONS" section will clearly state if user contributions are not permitted, and avoid further mention.
Updated Section: Designated Copyright Agent
Purpose: General Improvement
Summary: Allows for the selection of a United Kingdom country or overseas territory for the designated copyright agent’s address.
Impact: The address will be detailed in the "DIGITAL MILLENNIUM COPYRIGHT ACT (DMCA) NOTICE AND POLICY" section of the terms.
Updated Section: Dispute Resolution
Purpose: General Improvement
Summary: Adds the option to choose a United Kingdom country or overseas territory for arbitration location in legal disputes.
Impact: The "DISPUTE RESOLUTION" section will specify the chosen location's law for arbitration proceedings.
Updated Section: Limitation of Liability
Purpose: General Improvement
Summary: Introduces a feature to select different currency types for stating the maximum liability amount.
Impact: The specified currency type for the liability cap will be shown in the "LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY" section.
Updated Section: Additional Clause
Purpose: General Improvement
Summary: Provides the ability to add multiple additional clauses to the legal terms, with a title and text for each.
Impact: Titles of additional clauses will be included in the "TABLE OF CONTENTS," and the text will follow the "MISCELLANEOUS" section.
Updated Section: Governing Law
Purpose: General Improvement
Summary: Option to select a United Kingdom country or overseas territory for governing law and interpretation.
Impact: The chosen location will be mentioned under the "GOVERNING LAW" section, denoting applicable governing laws.
Updated Section: Contact Information
Purpose: General Improvement
Summary: Enables addition of multiple short form or trade names in the legal terms.
Impact: The "AGREEMENT TO OUR LEGAL TERMS" section will list the added short form or trade names.
Updated Section: Business Address
Purpose: General Improvement
Summary: Selection of a United Kingdom country or overseas territory is available for business and registered addresses.
Impact: The "AGREEMENT TO OUR LEGAL TERMS" section will display the business address, and the "CONTACT US" section will show the registered address.
August 2, 2021
New Section: Company VAT Number
Purpose: Legal
Summary: EU or UK user-serving customers can include their company VAT number for EEA/UK regulatory compliance.
Impact: The company’s VAT number will be incorporated into the introduction of the legal terms.
New Section: Name Your Legal Terms
Purpose: General Improvement
Summary: Provides options for renaming legal terms, with several preset names or a custom naming option.
Impact: The chosen name for the legal terms will be prominently displayed at the top of the document.
Updated Section: Business Address
Purpose: General Improvement
Summary: UK businesses can specify their business address within the constituent countries of the UK.
Impact: The chosen constituent country will be reflected in the business address at the end of the legal terms.
Updated Section: Business Address
Purpose: Legal
Summary: UK businesses can now include their registered address as per EEA and UK regulations.
Impact: The registered address will be featured in the introduction of the legal terms.
Detailed release notes were not maintained prior to August 2021. Please contact us if you have any questions.