There are two primary reasons why your website scan might fail:
The website URL is entered incorrectly
Your website is blocking the Termly scanner from accessing it
The website URL is entered incorrectly
One of the most common issues causing a failed or incomplete cookie scan is an incorrect URL.
Check if your site's URL was typed correctly in your dashboard's Website Information, found under Settings in the left-side menu.
For example, some sites that redirect immediately require that "www" is included with the URL for all cookies to be detected.
Your website is blocking the Termly scanner from accessing it
If you are still receiving a failed scan message when using the Cookie Consent Manager, it may be because your website disallows scanning either in your robots.txt or through other security mechanisms such as a firewall or blockers put in place by your hosting provider.
Allow Termly in your robots.txt
If you disallow scanning from certain bots in your robots.txt, you can try removing the entire Disallow: line.
If you wish to only remove it temporarily, you can wait for the cookie scan to finish, then add the Disallow: line back in. However, this could prevent future scans.
If you want to continue to disallow scanning from certain bots, you can specifically allow Termly's bot by adding an Allow condition for the TermlyBot user-agent:
# Termly scannerUser-agent: TermlyBotAllow: /
Whitelist Termly IP addresses
If the scanner continues to fail, it may be blocked by your hosting provider. Whitelist the following IP addresses to allow the scanner to run:,,,,,
Find out more about how to recognize and allow traffic Termly's scanner.