Termly accounts can now invite multiple users to collaborate with them on one or more Termly websites.
User management makes it easy to work with other members of your organization, clients, business partners, and more. You can invite members of your marketing, legal, or leadership teams to help complete policies, review edits, and ensure information is accurate.
You can also add engineering team members to help install and test code snippets on your site or add designers to help you adjust the look and feel of your banners and policies to match your branding.
Types of users
You can add, delete, or edit users if you are the Owner or Admin of your account.
User roles include:
Owner: This user has full control over the entire account, billing, and other users. The Owner is the user who first created the account and cannot be reassigned to a different user.
Admin: These users have access to all domains on the account and can add or remove domains and other users. Admins also have access to account and billing management.
Editor: These users are given access to specific domains. They cannot access billing information, delete the account, or add or remove domains or other users.
User management features can be found in the Termly dashboard under your profile icon in the top right corner.
Adding users
Follow these steps to add a user:
Log in to your Termly dashboard.
Click your profile icon in the top right corner.
Click on Users.
Click + Add New User.
Enter their email address and select their role. If the user is an Editor, give them access to one or multiple domains.
The new user will receive an email with a link to join your Termly team. Their status will be listed as Pending until they join.
Deleting a user
Follow these steps to delete a user:
Log in to your Termly dashboard.
Click your profile icon in the top right corner.
Click on Users.
Click on the delete icon next to the user you wish to delete.
A warning will appear with the option to cancel. Click Yes, Delete to permanently delete the user.
Editing users and permissions
Follow these steps to edit users and their permissions:
Log in to your Termly dashboard.
Click your profile icon in the top right corner.
Click on Users.
Click on the edit icon next to the user you wish to edit.
Make any necessary changes, then click the green checkmark to save. Click the red X if you need to discard the changes.