Termly provides three ways to embed a policy on your Shopify website.
Your options include:
HTML format: Pasting static HTML directly to your website
URL: Linking to a Termly-hosted URL (available for Pro+ users)
Code snippet: Embedding the policy on your page using a code snippet (available for Pro+ users)
Installation options
Follow these steps to add your policy using HTML:
Go to your Shopify admin dashboard, click Settings, then select Policies.
Scroll to the relevant policy section, and click the <> (Show HTML) button in the upper-right corner.
Go to your Termly Dashboard and select your policy. Click Add to Website, select HTML Format, and click Copy To Clipboard.
Return to your Shopify Legal page, and paste the HTML into the text box.
Click Save to add your policy to your Shopify store.
Known issues
Shopify Strips <style> Tags for HTML embeds:
When embedding Termly’s HTML policy on a Shopify page, you might notice that the
tags are displayed as text at the top of the page. This occurs because Shopify automatically strips these tags from the HTML, disrupting the intended appearance of your policy.
Missing Information in Previews:
When previewing any version of the Termly policy on Shopify—whether it's the HTML version, code snippet, or URL version—you may see missing information, such as the "Last Updated" date and other dynamic content. This issue is specific to Shopify's preview environment.
Important Note: The missing information reappears in the live version of the policy, so your customers will see the complete and correct details once the policy is published.
Recommended solution for HTML style issues
To ensure your Termly HTML policies are styled correctly on Shopify, follow these steps to create a standalone CSS file:
Create a CSS File:
In your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
Click on Actions > Edit Code for your current theme.
In the left-hand sidebar, navigate to the Assets folder and click Add a new asset.
Choose to create a new file and select CSS. Name this file something descriptive, like policy-styles.css.
Copy the Styles:
From the HTML code provided by Termly, copy all the content within the <style> tags.
Paste this content into the newly created CSS file (policy-styles.css).
Link the CSS File to Your Policy Page:
In the same Edit Code section, find the template or section file that corresponds to your policy page.
Add a link to the CSS file by inserting the following code in the <head> section of the page template:html
You can add your Termly policy URL as a link directly from a Shopify menu, or you can add the link onto a separate page.
Follow these steps to add your policy URL as a link directly from a Shopify menu:
Go to your Shopify admin dashboard and click Online Store.
Click Navigation.
Select the menu where you would like to add your policy link. Policies are commonly found in the footer, but may also be placed into the main menu, or other additional menus you have.
Click + Add menu item.
Give your menu item an appropriate name, like “Shipping Policy.”
Go to your Termly Dashboard and select your policy. Click Add to Website, select URL, and click Copy To Clipboard.
Paste your Termly policy URL into the link section where it says Search or paste a link.
Click Add.
Click Save menu.
If you would prefer to add a URL onto a Shopify policy page, follow these steps:
Go to your Shopify admin dashboard, click Settings, then select Policies.
Scroll to the relevant policy section and type the link text you would like to appear into the text box, e.g. “Shipping Policy link.”
Highlight the text and click Insert Link.
Go to your Termly Dashboard and select your policy. Click Add to Website, select URL, and click Copy To Clipboard.
Return to your Shopify Legal page, and paste the URL into the Link to box.
Add text to the Link title box if you would like text to appear when a user hovers over the link.
Click Insert Link.
Click Save to add your policy to your Shopify store.
This will link to a Termly-hosted URL. This ensures your policies are updated automatically when you publish changes.
Code Snippet
Follow these steps to add your policy text using the code snippet:
Go to your Shopify admin dashboard, click Online Store, then Pages.
Click Add Page.
Add a title to your page, like “Shipping Policy.”
Go to your Termly Dashboard and select your policy. Click Add to Website, select Code Snippet, and click Copy To Clipboard.
Return to your Shopify page.
In the Content field, click <> (show HTML).
Paste your code snippet into the text box.
Click Save to publish the page.
You can now link to this policy page in your menu, footer, or elsewhere on your Shopify site.
Using the code snippet ensures your policies are updated automatically when you publish changes.
Adding a policy as a regular Shopify page
Shopify’s legal page has built-in sections for a Privacy Policy, Refund Policy, Terms of Service agreement, and Shipping Policy. If you are adding a different type of policy — like a Cookie Policy or Disclaimer — or if you don’t want to use Shopify’s built-in legal sections, you can add your policies onto a regular Shopify page.
Follow these steps to add a policy as a new page:
Go to your Shopify admin dashboard, click Online Store, then Pages.
Click Add Page.
Title your page.
Go to your Termly Dashboard and select your policy. Click Add to Website, select your preferred format, and click Copy To Clipboard.
Return to your Shopify page.
If using HTML Format, click <> (Show HTML), paste your HTML code, then click Save.
If using a URL, type the text you would like to appear and click Insert Link. Paste your URL into the Link to box. Click Save. This will create a hyperlink on the page.
If using the code snippet, click <> (Show HTML), paste your code snippet, then click Save.
You can now link to this page in your main menu, footer, or elsewhere on your Shopify site.
You find more information about adding policy pages to Shopify at Shopify’s Help Center.
Adding policy page links to your menus
If you use Shopify’s legal pages, any saved policies will automatically be added as a link in the footer of your checkout page. You may also want to add your policies to other places, like your main menu.
If you did not use Shopify’s built-in legal pages, you’ll need to follow these steps to add your policies as links to your footer or other menus.
To add a link to your policy to a menu, follow these steps:
Go to your Shopify admin dashboard and select Online Store from the left-side menu.
Click Navigation.
Select the menu you would like to add a link to.
Click + Add menu item.
Give your menu item an appropriate name, like “Shipping Policy.”
Under Link, select your policy page.
If you used Shopify’s built-in legal pages, scroll down and select Policies. Your published Shopify policy pages will appear as options. Select which policy you would like to add.
If you used a regular Shopify page, scroll down and select Pages. Your published Shopify pages will appear as options. Select which page you would like to add.
Click Add.
Click Save menu.