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Update Your Privacy Policy to Comply With Connecticut’s Privacy Law (CTDPA)
Update Your Privacy Policy to Comply With Connecticut’s Privacy Law (CTDPA)
Updated yesterday

In this support article, you’ll learn how to update your Termly privacy policy to comply with Connecticut’s data privacy law, called the Connecticut Personal Data Privacy and Online Monitoring Act (CTDPA).

To read the law in its entirety, check out the official legal text of the CTDPA.

Termly makes updates to the policy generators to reflect changes in data privacy laws that may impact our users. When an update occurs, we send Termly users an email with information about the changes. It is your responsibility to implement the appropriate updates as needed in your Termly Dashboard.

1.1 Who must comply?

The Connecticut Personal Data Privacy and Online Monitoring Act (CTDPA) requirements are applicable to entities that qualify as controllers or processors and meet these two conditions:

  • Conducts business in Connecticut or targets services or products to Connecticut residents

  • In the preceding calendar year, processed or controlled 100,000 or more consumers’ personal data — or 25,000 or more if the business got greater than 25% of total revenue through the sale of personal data. This does not, however, include “personal data controlled or processed solely for the purpose of completing a payment transaction.”

1.2 Updating your Termly privacy policy to comply with Connecticut’s CTDPA

If you want your policy to be compliant with the CTDPA, log into your Termly Dashboard and follow these steps in the generator.

Note: These are similar steps you’d take to update your privacy policy to comply with Colorado’s privacy law, the CPA.

Step 1

First, select Yes for the question, “Do you have users in the United States?”

See an example in the screenshot below.

Step 2

Next, specify if you have disclosed or sold/shared personal information to third parties if you have not already done so.

See a sample of this question in the screenshot below.

Step 3

Select which US state privacy law you want your policy to cover, including the CTDPA.

See an example of this question in the screenshot below.

Step 4

Now you must complete the questions in the US Considerations section if you have not already done so.

Step 5

Next, provide an email address for appeals, in case your user wishes to appeal your business’s decision regarding a privacy request.

Note that completing this question is required to comply with several U.S. state privacy laws, including the CTDPA, CPA, and VCDPA.

See an example of this question in the screenshot below.

Step 6

Finally, click PUBLISH to update your policy.

If you still need help, reach out to our customer support team!

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