If you are using Termly's Consent Management Platform (CMP), you have the option to enable Auto Blocker for your consent banner. This feature automatically categorizes and blocks scripts on your website based on your visitors' consent preferences. Follow the steps below to enable Auto Blocker for your consent banner.
Enable Auto Blocker
Auto Blocker is configured when installing your Termly Consent Management Platform (CMP). It is important to note that the CMP embed script must be loaded before all other scripts on your website. This ensures that Auto Blocker can intercept them before a visitor has opted in or out. Failing to do this can result in your site not being compliant with GDPR and other international data regulations.
To enable Auto Blocker, simply update your embed script to use the autoBlock=on parameter (see below), or select the Auto Blocker option when getting your embed script.
See the example below of how to control Auto Blocker using the latest version of Termly's embed script:
Auto Blocker on
Auto Blocker off
Auto Blocker FAQs
How does Auto Blocker work?
Auto Blocker automatically categorizes all third party scripts, pixels, iframes and other tags on your page based off of a library of commonly known scripts and domains. Once categorized, Auto Blocker allows them to execute or not based on your site visitors' consent preferences.
Learn more about how Auto Blocker works
Auto Blocker is causing parts of my site to not function as expected, how do I fix it?
If Auto Blocker is causing unexpected behavior on your site, you should review and change how Auto Blocker categorizes your scripts.
For example, you might want to exempt scripts that are essential to the functioning of your website or categorize scripts that Termly does not recognize.